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A little more about me

James H. Ward

I have been asked several times to say more about myself, to be honest that’s always been something I have never done before.

I can say that first and foremost I am a father of 3 Wonderful children. As youngsters I had 1 son Jacob and twin girls Jasmine and Jillian. I said as youngsters because Jillian has always been a bit of a tomboy, she always liked wearing boy clothes and never liked playing with dolls or doing what most young girls do.

Jillian never did change much in that aspect and has now decided that she is and always has been a boy, that didn’t really come as a shock, but it has been hard adjusting to calling him Jae.

Both Jasmine and Jae are attending college in another town so we can’t see each other that much but we do talk as often as we can.

Jasmine has decided to enter the medical field and we are happy with her choice of careers in life.

Jacob moved to Colorado and has become a citizen of the state; he has changed careers to working in Medical Marijuana which from what I understand is very popular and a growing industry there.

I was married for 19yrs. to my girlfriend from school, we had a good life, but we did marry young and like most kids we didn’t listen when people told us it might be better to wait, since we were so young, I guess you would have to say we grew up together. So, there are and always will be some feels toward each other.

I have had many jobs growing up while trying to find my path. I got into Photography and I have to say it’s a passion I’ll never let go off. I have been doing Photography about 20yrs. now and I still love every minute of it. Going out and taking pictures even if it’s just for me is so relaxing and I make it an adventure.

I have started another job in a small factory and even though it’s not what I see my self doing for much longer I have enjoyed the experience and the people that I’ve worked with. It can be almost like a 2nd. Family once you get to know them and like any family you may not always get along, but you still care about them.

Within the passed few years I have lost my stepfather and father just a few months of each other and I have to say I am missing a big part of my life now. I Still forget and think I can call them sometimes.

I have 2 younger brothers Bryan and Joey that I love more than I’m sure they think I do. But sometimes life does take our lives over and even though we shouldn’t we tend not to speak as often as we should and sometimes not at all, but they are always on my mind.

Believe it or not this is the most I’ve EVER talked about myself or my family. Maybe its where I’ve started to write again and it’s making the words flow. I hope not too much LOL.

Believe it or not this is the most I’ve EVER talked about myself or my family. Maybe its where I’ve started to write again and it’s making the words flow. I hope not too much LOL.

I believe I’m a good man with a good heart or at least I try to be. I am honest to the bone when I tell others that sometimes I’ll add not to ask a question they really don’t want the answer to because I would have to tell them, shy of hurting anyone’s feelings. I don’t see a need to take honesty that far.

All I ever intended to do here is write for me, but a few friends have read things I had shown them in the past (by request) and said I should write for anyone that might like it so here I am. I know I’m not near as good as most but that doesn’t mean I may not have something worth sharing. (I hope)

I am not here for any other reason but to write, to read, and to make as many friends as I can.

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