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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

A New Beginning

I think like most people there comes a time that we feel a start over is needed.

I have changed a few things already but I’m working or so much more.

The person I had in my life was simply not a person that I should have been with, so I decided for me and her it was best that we moved on, I changed my job recently with high expectations.

I have a goal to put more time into my blogging and a book that I’m currently working on.

If anyone has an idea or thought they would like to share or simply discuss something I may have written, I do have a contact page and would love hearing from you.

Some of the changes I’m making may take a little time while I reconstruct my life and the times I’m able to do the things I have planned.

I would like to say that I know a lot of you have felt the need that I’m feeling and as for me I have to admit I’ve got such a feeling of relief, I have been making decisions and sticking to them! I believe this is a fear so many have, what will the changes bring, how, how, how, and the unknown is just that, a fear, but it can be overtaken.

Once you start changing things and see the steppingstones you need and as you pass from one to the other you become more confident about what you’re doing. You actually become happier with each step and the drive you need becomes a passion which is what it needs to be in order to make the dream a reality.

Think of it as being reborn, you now have a new life starting from scratch so that you can mold it into exactly how you want it to be.

DO NOT let the fear of the unknown stop you in your quest!

DO NOT listen to anyone but your heart, they may have the best intentions, but the fact is they ARE NOT YOU.

Believe in yourself, believe in what you CAN do!

If you do this you will be so proud of yourself once you see that only you had been holding you back and now you are released to become whatever you need to be.

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