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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Angel By Day

She came from heaven to take a soul back home

As she walked the earth to see more of the things she heard about here on earth

The time slipping away with darkness approaching

She was intrigued with the humans she met and wanted to see more and learn more

Many turned to look at her, some approached her commenting on her beauty

She was confused by all the attention she was getting

While walking passed a store front she caught her reflection in the window

She had never seen herself before and noticed she was different but felt we were so beautiful

She wanted to know more about our emotions, she had no knowledge of them

Before she knew it the time was almost midnight, she had to find the man to release his soul

When she found him he was standing on a street corner looking towards the sky asking god to take him, he had been suffering from depression most of his life and couldn’t take it any longer

She walked over to him and he said I have been waiting her for you

She asked if he was ready to go home and he said yes but asked if he could see his daughter one last time before they left

She agreed so they walked together to his home, on the way they talked about many things and she asked why so many years of such depression

He said because many years ago he had been in a burning building and tried to save a child, he was trapped by a burning beam and suffered burns over his body but never felt any pain worse than the cries he heard that night

She took his hand so she could see what happened that night, she then understood all the emotions we share

She kissed him and said now you will no longer have the pain of that night and I will remove the scars from your body

He asked her not to so that even though he could no longer hear the cries he could still remember


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