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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Be Better Part #2

We all should do this every day and make it the best virus ever! One that spreads and there isn’t a cure for the happiness and the joy we put in the hearts of others.

I wish you all would find a mirror look at yourself and embrace who and what you are! I also want you to think of what you did yesterday. What actions you had while you interacted with others, what words you chose to use, what good things you did and what not so good thing. Now I want you to say today is a new day and I’m doing better than yesterday.

WE CAN MAKE THIS WORLD BETTER one feeling, one action at a time!

There is more beauty than what we see, The beauty from within and the beauty of how we can always be better and make another life BETTER.

This is the ONLY TRUE award or reward a person can get or give.

There is also the being better in our own skins we do NOT NEED a queen, a white knight, or an angle in our lives to make us happy or a better person, we only need to have a mind set that this is who we are. we all know our faults and what we have done in the past. we look in a mirror every day we know how we look to ourselves and to others.

You can always change your body, hair color, the clothes you ware. Changing who you are and how you act isn’t any harder.

Be Better #3 will be the last of the series.

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