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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Being True To Yourself

In our minds, we have a vision of how we look or how we want to be perceived. It doesn’t always match what we see when we look into a mirror, but that’s ok because it’s not the reflection that matters as much as what reflects from within.

Actors do a great job of becoming someone or something that they are not, but that’s not what we are supposed to be doing. We are not actors and this is not a stage.

If you don’t like who you are then don’t act! Change who you are, I hear all the time that people don’t change and to a point that’s true but they can become who they truly are.

There are singers that really don’t sing that well, Actors who really aren’t that good at acting but they were themselves and that’s what made them great.

Take the time to find who you are and focus on being that person and whether you’re an actor, singer, blogger, or a regular person doesn’t matter, the fact will still remain that you are being YOU.

I don’t always like what others like or even do the same things that they do and that makes me an individual and I stand out as being my own person. If someone doesn’t like the fact that you don’t do the same things, watch the same things, talk about the same things, or whatever the subject might be, I have to ask Why does that even matter? I could say to them well if you want us to be so much alike then start doing the things that I do.

We all have a great person inside of us but the thing is we have to let that person out and become the real you.

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