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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Best of Friends

I was watching a show a while ago and I saw something, something I had forgotten that resides in me.

I’m not sure what it is, nor can I fully explain the feeling, but it IS the most powerful thing I think I have ever felt.

Now some of the things I’m going to talk about I don’t even expect anyone to understand, but I felt it and thought maybe just maybe someone would understand or had felt it too.

I have only had one or two friends that this blog has anything to do with, I also think I need to express that I love and have loved someone, but this is not about love, well not in the conventional way that you may think of.

This is about a friendship and with the opposite sex that in some ways makes no sense and in others makes perfect sense.

I have had no relationship that compares to this until recently and I didn’t realize what I had until this show through it in my face and all those memories I had forgotten about my past came rushing back.

I have had friendships and best friends but the best of best have twice in my life meant more to me than anything that I can dream about.

Someone I laughed with, cried with, discovered who we were with, and yes LOVED but not as a husband or wife, in my opinion, it was more than anything could have possibly come close to. I have never felt this closeness any other time in my life.

These friends I truly would have done anything for and without question, these friends meant more than even my own life. I can’t say that we did or didn’t make love because if we did it wasn’t as you would think of it. The love wasn’t nakedness other than the nakedness of our souls.

We shared everything so there were no secrets, no jealousy, nothing but being there for each other 1000% of the time. Since this has absolutely NOTHING to do with sex, only the purest of loves I’m not even sure if it could have been brought into a marriage. It has been years since I’ve seen either of them or even heard from them but I vow that if they called me I would drop anything to go to them.

Now some will dissect this and try to turn it into something that it simply isn’t. So I’ll answer these questions that might arise, did I ever hold them, kiss them, lay in bed with them, the answer is YES I did. But as I said earlier it was NEVER about sex, I don’t think sex could have ever even been apart of what we had, not as a couple would anyway.

I protected them as a father would protect his children.


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