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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Best Thing EVER

Friends are without a doubt the most awesome thing in this world.

I don’t care if it’s a mate or sometimes even family.

A true friend is the best thing a person can have in their corner, yes you have to choose them carefully but when you find the one or two that you know has your back beyond all expectations well you have found something more precious than you could have imagined.

I have to say I’m sorry for the times I haven’t been around or even said hello, but we have to sort things out sometimes.

We think we know what we want or need until we realize we had that with a friend.

Keep your friends close and let them know exactly how important they are to you and they will understand the times that would cause others to say the heck with you.

They know you better than you think most times and only have you in mind when they have to tell you you’re messing up.

I have been doing that in their eyes I know but I can’t always tell them everything that may be happening in my life or at least I thought I couldn’t until tonight when I saw that what I thought was too much for them to understand was just another case of my overthinking. Or maybe not thinking at all.

But I found that a TRUE friend will support me no matter what I may be thinking or doing as long as it’s not harmful to myself or others.


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