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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Birthday Blogging

Hello to all my friends and to those I haven’t met yet!

Well, today is my Birthday and here I am doing what I do the most (writing).

What is it to be a blogger? That depends on what you’re aiming to get out of it.

For me, it’s finding who I am and what do I feel is important or what might be on my mind that day.

Some do it trying to make it a living which yes it would be nice but let’s face it there must be a million others with that exact same thought, so the chances are slim to none of happening.

There are others who just would like to be like Mr. Sparrow and just be known.

The truth is if you sit down and WRITE then you are known!

You may not be famous, but do you really want to be? I see some that are and that life to me ISN’T really a life, not when you have to hide who you are every time you go out or can’t really take the time to read any of your messages because A: there are too many to answer and B: you really may not want to read them since with fame there is a degree of dislike as well.

If you want to be a blogger then just sit down and write about something that means something to you! It doesn’t have to be perfect or even something everyone will read, but if you put yourself into it then the ones that do read it will become someone that returns often to see what you may have had to say that day.

Everyone have a great day!

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