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Blogger Recognition Award

The Blogger Recognition Award is an online award given by bloggers to other bloggers as a way of recognising the efforts they put into their site.

Thank you Wendy Megget for nominating me for this honor! Please check out her site you will be as impressed as I was.

I really didn’t start my blog to be a blog if that makes any sense. I had no ideas of posting them for others or to have followers. My thought was to leave behind my thoughts, loves, and feelings for my children to have after I passed. BUT some really liked what I wrote which was something I never expected! Now I have made friends I never thought of having and that in it self warms my heart.

Any advise I could give another blogger are things I’ve said before.

1. Always write something every day no matter what it is about or how awful you may think it sounds.

2. Keep an open mind and a peaceful mind as you write and the words WILL flow through you!

Here are 10 of the most thoughtful bloggers that I follow. They simply put themselves into every post they create.

  1. Steve’s Country

  2. joypassiondesire

  3. Wendy Megget

  4. Kait King

  5. Ilona Madam A.K.A. The Easy Diet Blog

  6. Edge Of Humanity Magazine

  7. Aaron M. Spelling

  8. Whisky Spells and Tells

  9. Real Life of an MSW

  10. Fractured Faith Blog

I have to also give an I’m sorry for whatever reason I couldn’t post the links to their sites! However please check them out and find why I decided to follow them.

The Rules for the Blogger Recognition Award

Thank the nominator, and publish a post on your blog about receiving the Blogger Recognition Award. Make sure to provide a link to the nominator’s blog in your post.

  1. Give a brief story of how your blog started.

  2. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.

  3. Nominate 10-15 other bloggers for this award, and inform them of their nomination.

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