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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Blogging for Me

While starting this journey of Blogging I have said before that it really wasn’t what I intended, but now it has become something that drives me towards being here more often than I would have ever guessed.

It not only has become a lifestyle, but I need.

For myself, my blog comes from the heart and maybe more than it should at times but with that my readers know it’s genuine.

I want my blog to be something that anyone can come to and find something there that speaks to them, I don’t use big words or talk about things that aren’t true for me or maybe someone I have crossed paths with at some point. However, sometimes I do write about a thought or feeling I may be having at that time.

Even with my photo’s I really don’t edit them much for WP, I want you to see them just as I took them, I do use photos from the internet those you can tell are not mine, but they helped give a visual of what I might be trying to get across.

I have made some good friends and even speak to a few on a daily basis, which helps me really connect with them and not just make them someone I follow.

It doesn’t matter what your blog is about as long as it really is a part of you.

You might tell a story or something you feel strongly about and that’s what you should write about. It will find its way to someone that it touches or speaks to.

The main thing is to keep your mind clear of clutter and write what comes to mind naturally.

It’s like most things if you have to force it then it will never be what it could be.

Most books or even great blogs started with an idea and the idea didn’t come from the thought of making a fortune it came from within the person and as they started to write it came to life and grew.

Even some great people weren’t trying to become who they were or how they affected others it was just who they were from the beginning of their life.

Sometimes who we are isn’t discovered until someone else sees it.

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