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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Blogging for Me #2

I have written a few times about why I started blogging but what it has become is so much more than that now.

The more I’m here and interact with others the more I see that my life has become so much better, I don’t always think about what I may be writing I just let it come from inside of me.

Times haven’t been easy in fact they have been rough, but I now see that a lot of that has been on me.

After being here and talking with others I see my life is mine to live the way I see fit for me, reading other blogs I’ve found myself within their lives because we are all truly connected.

Like most, I try to always let people see me this way.

What may be going on in my body or mind isn’t what I want to show, I want to reflect who I am which isn’t always the easiest thing to do but I think of how I can impact them. If I have a smile no matter what maybe I can give them a smile to wear for the next person they connect with.

My life has changed for the better and I can see ahead of me that it will continue to do so as long as I remember I make this life.

Music has become so much more to me than it ever was before, I can listen and let the words take me to another place filled with love and honor or the power that life can bring us.

The long and short of it is WE LOVE, WE GET LOVE IN RETURN.

Whether it’s the love of a man or woman or the love for ourselves.

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