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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Blogging for Me #3

Counting this post I have a total of a mear 300

I never saw myself posting this many blogs, but I feel there will be many more to come.

I watched the movie 300 and I have to say 1st IT’S NOT for the young!


The movie had a lot of meanings and for me the thought of taking only 300 men against all odds, well that was incredible.

It does show that even facing certain death they had a goal and they PUSHED until they got where they needed to be. The odds we face are no different.

I have said it before and I’m sure I will again, but someone told me one secret to blogging was to write, write, write every day write something and not to think about whether it was good or not, good will come!

So here I am still blogging, still writing and they were right, it just took me believing in myself and remembering never to STOP.

I come home from work and I’m tired, I write.

I have kids and need to be there for them, so I do and when I can, I write.

I wake up groggy and want to sleep so I do, but I write first.

Now the thoughts or stories come so much easier, in fact, it’s hard to stop once I begin.

The other rule I was told is to write what I know about, or what I feel.

NEVER write about something that I have no idea what I’m talking about or have little knowledge of the subject.

It will show in your writing or if someone has a question or comment you may not understand what they are even talking about.

I would say there should be a 3rd rule!

When I say not to think or overthink if you’re writing is good or not doesn’t mean to just jot anything down, you do want to put thought into if anyone would be interested in the subject, and make a title that gives them an idea what you’re blogging or writing about.

Sometimes I break rule #3 lol But only because while I’m writing the story changes, or manifest into another story entirely. So after the story has ended, I will either change the title or leave it and let the reader decide for themselves what the story meant to them.

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