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  • Writer's picturejameshward1


I went to Comicon in Lexington, Ky. and met Ridd1e and A entire new bunch of friends.

I think this was when I changed and decided to involve myself with a new way of living my life and trying harder to experience as many new things as I could.

So far it’s been a slow road but it has paid off with the way I feel and view things. Just like starting here on WP, I never saw this coming but it has helped me grow in so many ways.

My writing along with my writing has helped me see things in an entirely different way. I think I even notice things that most people don’t or can’t see.

I have also found someone that adds a new found strength and seeing how being there for others means more than you could ever understand. You can change a life just by showing you care.

Thank you FRIENDS, LIFE, and my girlfriend for showing me a new and better life.

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