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Writer's picturejameshward1


Sometimes we all feel alone but trust me that isn’t how it is, but just how do you feel alone? Maybe just because you may not have a bf/gf but that is NOT being alone and shouldn’t feel that way. You do NOT need either to be whole! There are times that we all want to have someone to have a dinner or catch a movie with but that will come after you find a way to be good being YOU and do just that without being with someone. Think to yourself about how you want to be defined but by yourself not by others.

Maybe you feel alone because you feel you have no friends well at some point we all have felt that way, I know for a fact I have but I found that it only took me getting out there and changing the way I kept myself in a shell and didn’t really try all that hard. I was like SUPER shy when I was younger and that stuck for many years and really caused me a lot of sad years but then I realized what people saw when they saw me. Most of them didn’t ever approach me because they took my shyness as not friendly or wanting to be alone. So, I’m telling you GET OUT and make yourself meet other and strike up conversation with them. Maybe you have a stressful situation and NEED someone to talk to or maybe even need someone’s anyone’s help with what is going on with you. In this situation I can’t offer much help because it really depends on what that situation is. I can’t say all, but most parents are always there for their children so go to them! But if this is not the case with you then maybe a man of the cloth would be a person to speak with, they always listen and do what they can and may be able to direct you to help. I wouldn’t recommend the web for this type of help! It’s ok for some things but in this case, you really need to stick with real people if for no other reason but your safety. If none of these seem to be the answer, I would go to a police officer or fireman anyone really in a position of helping people and tell them what is going on and they will direct you on how to seek help.

I KNOW this may be sticking my neck out but if you need help, I do have a few ways on this blog to contact me. I could NEVER swear I’m the person to do such a thing with, but I will listen, and I’ll do my best to help you! But I advise you to seek someone close to you or some type of professional!! I’m not really qualified in this area, but I offer to listen and go from there.

Feeling alone can mean a lot of different things to different people so if you have another definition or thought on the subject, I do have a discussion page that you can post it on. I really would like to know more on the subject.

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