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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Drugs and Devastation

This is one subject that 1st breaks my heart and 2nd makes me the maddest!

I can’t say that I have ever been an angle cause I haven’t but I know right from wrong and no matter how you slice it this is just WRONG.

I have had SO MANY friends taken by this and when I think about the subject in it’s entirety my goes in so many different directions that is hard to stick with just 1 main thought as you can probably tell.

One thing to think about is how it effects the children that have to live in these households. Trying to wake parents so they can be loved not to mention taken care of.

It’s bad enough what you do to yourself but what you do to them is unforgivable.

Children do NOT ask for much, all they want is a loving parent. No matter how well you THINK you take care of them or LOVE them your WRONG.

I can’t even say you are only thinking about yourself because it’s obvious you don’t even do that.

However you do show how cruel and thoughtless you really are.

I have tried to feel sorry for those that do these things but it’s NOT a sickness or disease those are excesses not only YOU but the medical field have given so not only do you get your drugs but they have found ways to keep you taking them and giving you ways to make money to afford them.

STOP being an ass and showing just how stupid you are and start showing that you want a life and a life for your children.

I’m sorry if I offended anyone but this is one thing I can not stand to have going on when so many lives are shattered by it.

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