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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Fantasy or Real

Let the music play, let the fantasy begin and then STOP and think is it fantasy or is it real.

What makes you FEEL, what makes you WANT something to never end?

Is it the thinking that it’s not real or is it the knowledge that it could be?

We all have fantasy’s and dreams and a lot of us have read love stories and dreamt about it.

What stops it from being real? Because it’s so far from what we have or what we know?

That one person that makes you FEEL again, that makes you feel that pulling toward how you really want things to be like, they are out there.

They do exist!

They are simply waiting, knowingly or not for YOU to find them, for you to search and make them real.

I have talked about this before and blogged about it, even preached about it too so many.

Forget what you know. Forget what you think and let the dream come true, only YOU can make it real.

They are waiting, maybe a country away, maybe just a few towns away, but they are there so I implore you to seek them out and bring what you and THEY need to LIFE!

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