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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

First Kiss told by me

The power of the first kiss is more than you may think.

We meet someone and from that moment our bodies and or minds are building up for that one moment in time that two universes come crashing together.

We put so much thought into that first kiss and we don’t even realize it.

This is such a true statement!

When we find someone that we like more than any other any walls we may have built up from past relationships and disappointments start to crumble.

We really can’t help it, our minds know that we really are in search of the one that No walls are not needed.

The one that not only our bodies area naked with but the one that our hearts and souls are at that most vulnerable.

This person takes all our walls down and we find they were only built so that others wouldn’t keep you from finding this person.

The moment we finally see, we move in slowly still unsure, still scared, but our hearts tell us to surrender and our minds tell us one thing (DON’T THINK).

Our bodies tighten and our eyes can only see them, our senses are heightened but only focused on this person, and this moment.

As we move closer, we can feel each other’s breaths

We can feel each other’s hands taking us

Our hearts feel like their going to beat out of chest’s

Every touch sends shocks throughout our bodies

Our lips meet, and at this very second, we feel a release like no other

Passion takes us over as our hearts beat even harder

Sweat builds over our bodies

We get lost in those minutes and we can only think about each other

Let every kiss after that be just like the first!

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