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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Fools Game

She took my hand and lead me to another place I have never been.

She told me that she loved me and would never leave.

I let her in a heart that was untouched for what seemed a life time.

When I was around her I couldn’t breath without knowing she was the reason I am still here.

She saw another and I my dove became a bird of prey.

She spoke to me and I could only hear the screeching of a vulture feeding on my dead body.

As she tore the flesh from my body I felt no pain, she killed all senses without my even knowing.

I laid there watching the clouds over head and feeling my soul slowly leaving my body.

My body torn, my soul shredded, I waited for the last feeding.

Then the clouds parted and the sun warmed my body.

I could still feel a fait heartbeat and somehow found my way to be on my feet.

As I walked a way I felt a strength pushing me forward.

The further I walked never looking back the stronger I felt.

I now run and play in the sun never looking anywhere but forward.

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