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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Getting Away

Some days we just need a time for us and finding a place with friends can be some of the best therapy for whatever might be on our minds.

With all the stress from jobs, life or just the day to day needs, we need to find something better that takes all of that away even if it’s just for a short time.

The mind needs times like this just as the body needs its rest to recoup from all that we take in and have to process.

We all know the weekends just really don’t give us enough time to totally recover from the weeks tension, so if an extra day is needed then take a day to give you a little more of that time that you are deserving.

I don’t know about everyone but my weekends are devoted to catching up on things that the week just doesn’t allow the time for and then I try to either spend time with family or friends so there’s really still no time for the rest I need.

So whether it’s a visit with friends or maybe a slow drive in the country, take the time to keep your mind rested and healthy just as you would your body.

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