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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Ghostly Memories

Sometimes memories are a great thing to have, but then there are other times that they haunt us, I can still see her in my dreams, the way she looked that faithful day before all I knew changed in a blink of an eye.

She was so beautiful as she kissed me goodbye that day, her lips soft to the touch, her body held tight against mine, I remember I had to tear myself away from her before I got lost in those eyes, that stole my heart like a thief in the night.

It was like any other day, I believe that was the hardest part, there were no signs of what was going to happen. It was a beautiful day as I watched the sunrise in the distance and listened to my morning music.

Now I lay here day in and day out with nothing else on my mind but her, sometimes I feel as though I visit her in my dreams, but I know that can’t be or I hope that it can’t be because that would mean I lost her again every time I woke.

Sometimes I think I can hear her talking to me and others crying asking why!

Her voice wakes me sometimes and even then I can still hear her, I can hear the birds singing outside, I can hear the cars pass, so I know I’m no longer dreaming. I can hear her telling me how much she loves and misses me, She tells me of how things are for her now without me.

Then I can hear her tell me she must go as bad as she hates to, then there is nothing but silence, it’s so strange when she leaves me, I can hear odd things like the ruffling of leaves and then a door shutting, then the sound of a car starting and driving away.

I hear all these things every time she visits me in my dreams, but the most important memories are those that she speaks to me, it gives me hope for the day I finally get to see her once again.

I wrote this in the hopes that I might be right and when I visit my friends and loved ones that they really can and do know I was there and how much I love them.

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