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He Came In The Night

Photo By James H. Ward ©

I just got home from work and was having my dinner and out of nowhere I began getting sad and the thought of how alone I was became devesting.

I tried not to think about it but things only became increasingly worse the harder I tried to dismiss it.

I got up and thought maybe if I cleaned the house I could get my mind on something else, so I turned on my music and began by dusting.

It worked for a while but then I started to clean the kitchen and as I was putting away the dishes I noticed something in the back of the cabinet so I reached to see what it was.

When I pulled it into the light it was a cup that I had put in the back so it wouldn’t ever get broke, the cup was one my kids got me so many years ago and on the side, the words were enriched by fathers love.

Then I realized why I was feeling so sad and depressed. The show I had been watching while having dinner was one that my children had talked me into watching one night and then I was paying more attention to the fact of how the house didn’t have the sounds flowing through it that I was use to hearing.

There were no sounds of laughter or even the sounds of disagreement would have been welcome at this point.

I finally had decided to go to bed and try to get some sleep and get this feeling out of my head.

I laid there for hours and then when I feel to sleep I heard a noise in the house so I leaped up and started to investigate what it might have been.

As I turned the corner I heard the noise again and looked into a corner of the house where I saw a figure standing there in the dark, the first thought was how close is any kind of weapon. That’s when the figure reached out and all I could see was its hand as if it wanted me to take it. I knew this wasn’t right but I took the hand into my own and the next thing I can remember is having a dream of me standing in a field that I had taken the kids to many years ago.

I then heard a voice calming and pleasant saying I am always with you in your moment’s of despair so you see you are never really alone.

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