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  • Writer's picturejameshward1


We use a lot of different words on a daily basis such as Love, Peace, happiness, Prosperity, and Hope to name a few but one we don’t use very often is Honor. Below is a short definition of the word but it simply goes a lot further than that.

honor (noun)

  1. high respect; great esteem.

“his portrait hangs in the place of honor”



  1. a person or thing that brings credit.

“you are an honor to our profession”

  1. (HisYourHonor)

a title of respect given to or used in addressing a judge or a mayor.

  1. adherence to what is right or to a conventional standard of conduct.

“I must as a matter of honor avoid any taint of dishonesty”


I feel so strongly about two words that they are even given to two of my children, Hope, and Honor.

But today I’m speaking of Honor and what it means to me.

Honor is a very strong word and should be applied to everyday life for without it we really have nothing at all.

Honor is knowing and doing what’s right every day of your life with no regards to the thoughts or words of others.

Honor is also standing up for one’s self and for others without a second thought of what might be said or what might be the outcome from doing so.

I could stay on this subject indefinitely but I’ll leave you with this.

If you apply this word to everyday life not so much saying it but being Honorable it will not only make you a better person but all those other words like Love, Peace, Hope, etc. Will fill your heart and soul.

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