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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Intuitive Mind

I have been told so many times that something was wrong just because it wasn’t the norm, well I never claimed to be normal nor did I want to be.

An intuitive person is someone who senses things about people and their surroundings and their experiences that are not so evident to more “normal” people. When their intuition is really strong we may call them psychic. They may see things we don’t see. They may hear things the rest of us don’t hear.

I know I don’t always see things the way others do and sometimes yeah that even scares me but in the end if we don’t THINK or QUESTION things what exactly does that make us? I choose NOT to be robotic and only except what I’m taught or told.

Life is growing if we DO NOT push possibility then we have not pushed our capabilities.

I have mentioned NOT giving up before but it wasn’t just for one topic or act it was meant for anything in your life that you need changed or improved!

I push the boundaries of life and what the world tells me is fact because knowing is FACT excepting is FAILURE!

This and HONOR makes a person a true HUMAN not how they wish to be perceived!

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