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Life’s Adventure

Photo By James H. Ward ©

Life is supposed to be an adventure but sometimes there are many paths.

Some paths may be beautiful but many dangers can be hidden, ready to pounce upon us with no signs of what is about to happen.

We may take many paths chasing life and what it has to offer us. But we must keep our defenses up and ready for anything that may occur.

We meet many people while on these paths some are truly good people and some may have chosen a bad path to go down and will try to get us to follow them. (misery loves company) When we meet one of these people the fun and excitement may cloud our minds and it seems like an innocent path at first and then we find ourselves feeling trapped and lost.

We may have found ourselves without loved ones or friends that we miss and feel there is no way to regain what we lost but I’m telling you they are still there just around the corner at the next path we can take.

Our journeys are vast and sometimes overwhelming but we can all find a path to a better happier life. We only have to push forward and look for that path then once on it never stray and it will lead us to all we ever wanted. I myself found that once I gave myself to the good in life even when I hit hard times I remained happy and tried to spread that to others and in doing so, even more, came back to me. I feel that’s how this path works. The more I try to do good and be a good person the more happiness finds me even when I’m not looking for it.

Peace, Love, and Happiness to you all!

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