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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

LIGHT Up The Darkness

We as men are taught while growing up to be tough and strong.

Something we are not taught is a man doesn’t have to prove how tough and strong he is.

Hate toward anyone or any creature is NOT strong or tough.

It’s weak and weak minded and those that live this type of life pass it on to the children, it’s like a Disease that spreads and grows like a fungus.

It chips away at your heart until it’s small and filled with darkness.

If you want to be a man stand against hate with your head high and have a voice that’s loud so you will be heard.

If you want to be strong and tough then fight on the side of good and show others that humanity is stronger than hate.

Show that Love shines bright and it can pierce through the darkness.

Stand tall and stand with Honor!

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