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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Lost In Social Media


Feeling a little lost today!

There are so many thoughts I’m having today and I really don’t know where to start because my mind goes from one thought to the other and on to thousands more all at the same time.

But I think I will start with one on Social Media, is it really all that social or is it more what can I get out of it. How can I put the focus on me today?

I really didn’t think that was the purpose of it, my thoughts are how can I share something that someone might like sure but also how can I maybe help someone or let them know they are not alone, or maybe change the way they might be feeling today.

I even went so far as to ask people to comment on a question I had, guess what NOT 1 comment but I did get likes. This can only make me believe that not a single one of them read the posting but only looked for and clicked the like button!

This isn’t what I nor what most of us the writers want nor is it our focus. When this is all that’s happening our time and what might be our focus, like helping others with what might be critical to them was wasted!

Not everything we write may be something you the reader is looking for, if it’s not then simply go on to the next one or search for what you may be looking for.

But for the writer, we want to know it was read and maybe touched or even helped someone with a difficult time they may be having.

I do plan on making friends here and where ever else I may have a page like Facebook Instagram or Twitter. It’s NOT about me or how many times the like button is clicked it’s actually being Social! And trying to be someone that others look at as a good person and a caring person.

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