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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Lost in Thought

I have so may thought racing through my brain, some crashing into one another and becoming an entirely new thought.

Sometimes it does have it’s scary moments like when your driving and all of sudden think to your self how did I get here or how long have I been driving.

I’ve said it before I know I’m complex hell I might even be weird or scary to others when they listen or read somethings I think about.

Something else that is odd most of my dreams come true. Not all of them and not anytime soon sometimes but soon enough that I can still recall I had just dreamt about it.

Some times I read what are suppose to be deep thoughts by someone else and I think um ok thats not that deep, and then I think maybe they are like me though. Alone with my thoughts and they start going deeper and deeper and deeper until my next thought is what if I don’t come back from this thought or maybe that’s the point all together. The thought that takes me the furthest is the one that finally wakes me up and all I have known was the real thought.

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