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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Mind Over Illusion

I want to start by saying I am NOT a Dr. of any kind even though I have talked about certain illness’s. I only can offer my experience’s and feelings.

I have suffered from Depression as well as Panic Attacks

For me on both these subjects I found that my mind was in control and I had to stop it for my health and well being.

Doctor’s DO and CAN help with some of these but I have mixed feelings on this because to me I feel if I have to take a pill to feel better do I really feel better or am I just under the influence of the med.?

I have overcome both of these illnesses by realizing that they were my mind being in control and for me this was not excepted.

The Panic Attacks were awful and I had them almost everyday, it was controlling my life and impacting on my job.

But one day something happened and I started thinking about all the hospital visits and what was actually done to help me. The answer was really NOTHING because there wasn’t anything anyone could do for me. I remembered laying there watching the second hand of a clock and paying attention to the machines they had attached to me.

I then thought to myself this was something in my mind and only I was going to be able to fix it. So anytime I found myself feeling one coming on instead of thinking about it and letting it take me over once again, I began concentrating on other things like the second hand of a clock or the birds outside and really paying attention to what they were doing. Anything that I could focus my complete attention on and after a short time the panic attacks went away and never returned.

As for my Depression I found making myself get out and go around other people and do things that I enjoyed or at the lest had conversations and put myself in situations that made me forget about my problems or worries.

This took several months before I felt complete again but I did notice that the more I MADE myself do something heck anything including working outside on a project, the things I was doing and places surrounded by people did in fact start making my mood change and I let these new feelings take over and I kept my mind positive and only let good thoughts in. and I tried to express this joy and freedom and happiness whenever I was around others, this sometimes made them feel better just by smiling and keeping my words to the positive.

I can’t and won’t say these things I’ve done are a cure or will help everyone but I know in my heart that it can help some!

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