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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

My Heart weeps

My heart weeps for so many and so many reason that at times I feel it’s going to give out, and then I say NO to myself. So many need help and as long as I have a breath I’m not giving up.

Photo By James H. Ward ©

When I saw this I became so sad and then I approached him and asked if I could get him a meal. He was shocked I think at first but agreed and we talked about what had happened to him. I could tell he hasn’t been homeless long and the story he told did anger me toward some of the causes they weren’t anything this man could control.

Later that day I got a call from him and he wanted to thank me for talking and for giving him the courage to confront a family member about what all that had happened with him. They took him in and they even said they would help him find a job. This made my heart beat with more strength than I had felt in a long time.

The next day I got this tattoo it says Live Life. A message I want others to see every time it’s visible.

Live Life is something all of us should do and living it to its fullest also means being there for others in time of need and even when they may not need but you know you could help.

Love Hope Honor 3 words that should be in your heart from now until the end of days!

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