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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

My Only Purpose

Sometimes we do forget or at least the memory fades.

I sit here and as I write I wonder just how many will remember me, or who might remember and look back here to revisit my words.

Some have fortunes to leave behind or some act of greatness, and then there are the ones that like myself leave only my words to either be repeated one day or forgotten.

I can only leave this earth as a man, a father, and maybe someone that touched a few along his journey.

I’m sure some have laughed or maybe even turned their noses up at the thought that I could ever have done anything of any importance, or that I surely never thought of anyone other than myself.

But those people never took the time to know me or bothered to look at what I do every day as only a simple man. Sure, I have had times in my life that I’m not proud of but who hasn’t. I do my best to always have an open hand for those that want it and an open heart for those that may need it.

One day Gods messenger of death will pay me a visit just like all of those before me and the ones that will follow. On that day I want to leave this world knowing I loved all living beings and only knew kindness towards all mankind.

As for my family and friends that truly know me, they know the only thing ever that entered my heart was LOVE and I tried to share that love with everyone that crossed my path.

For those that took the time to know me I LOVE EACH OF YOU!

And for those that I might have touched during my journey and set you on the same path as me, I SALUTE YOU.

No matter where you come from or who you are, if you carry love in your heart and only kindness for others you will be great!

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