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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Natures Power

Things Nature can do

Show you so much beauty

Give you exercise while you explore

Relax you

Make you lose the worries left at home

There are so many other reasons to become a part of what could be the best experience you’ve ever had.

Get up and get out!

Since I got into Photography I can’t drive down the road at times without hitting the breaks because I saw something that I just had to capture even if it’s just for me.

Sadly the photo above isn’t mine

Once I get out into nature I feel the sun, and the wind against my skin, I start feeling better that very second. It really is some of the best therapy you can get for most of what might be bothering you, and the exercise isn’t bad either.

Even if you don’t have a camera most of you have a cellphone, just remember to be careful and not lose it, I don’t want to be to blame for that LOL.

I hope you take this little piece of advice and who knows I may just run into you.

Take care and be safe!!!

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