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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Outer Body Experience

An out of body experience, also known as astral projection, is supposed to be the phenomenon when a person’s consciousness is detached from the physical body and travels or exists outside of the body. During these experiences, the person is aware of his surroundings and is often aware of what is being said around him.

I lay awake thinking of the one I met so innocently and how her words changed me and brought happiness to me once again.

Listening to soft music with no words just a calming steady sound of peace.

I drift off to sleep feeling so serein with only her on my min, I see a light or maybe a tunnel I’m not sure what it was but something told me to go there.

I only remember a feeling that I was actually traveling to another place, then I awoke and she was there on a beach in a white gown with the moonlight brighter than I had ever seen it.

As I approached her I didn’t say anything at first I didn’t want to change what I was seeing in anyway. She looked like an angel that had came from the heavens to enjoy what god had created here.

My pulse increased as I sat beside her and I found my hands tracing her body with my fingertips and I began to steal gentle kisses.

As I looked into her eyes I feeling came over me as if I had finally came home after being gone for what seemed like a lifetime.

if anyone else were there they would have felt they were witnessing the most romantic movie they had ever encountered, they wouldn’t have uttered a word for fear it might end what they were blessed with. It would be like seeing a unicorn or some other mystic creature and not wanting to scare it away.

The ocean seemed to slow and begin to have a rhythm as we started making love. this was not like anything the mind can even comprehend it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever known.

I looked at her as she laid there trying to imprint every line of her body onto my mind, I wanted to know every inch of her better than I knew myself.

This was not like any dream, I could smell everything, I could feel the wind against our bodies. I could her every sigh as I touched her.

When morning came I could remember everything like it had just happened and I looked for her expecting her to walk into my room.

I cant wait to sleep again tonight in hopes that I may be with this woman that has made my life, my dreams more than I ever could have hoped for.

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