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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Past Tired

I feel tired most of the time it seems but it’s not just lack of sleep or that I work long hours, it’s more internal and much more than I can express.

I have worn so many mask throughout my life, not really to hide but not to have others concerned or worried.

But then again I do wear some that I know I shouldn’t, it’s not ashamed or anything like that and it’s hard to explain.

I never lie but sometimes I may not say anything and that’s just as bad I know.

Sometimes we all wear a mask, we may not say what we feel or we don’t tell the entire truth. It may not be anything that would even matter to others but for whatever reason it matters to us.

I feel that others may not understand what I’m feeling or understand why so it’s just easier to keep it to myself.

Sometimes I hide something for trying to spare someone else, maybe a child or anyone that I might be close to.

Then I wonder was it really for them or for me? If that were the case then I did more harm than good I suppose.

I wish we lived in a world that had no mask or reasons to need them. Why can’t we all just be who and what we are and that simply be ok with the world.

My life, my choices

End of story

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