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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Perfection or Real

perfection the condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects. I am so far from being or wanting to be perfect, as my writing may reflect at times, Yes, I know I make mistake, but for me that’s ok.

I do try to make my blogging GOOD so that it is enjoyable for the more expert writers, or bloggers, however, I also try to put a little of ME into them so they will never be without flaw.

I could try to make them perfect, but then they wouldn’t always seem real.

I do hope ALL of you continue to enjoy my writing and my blogging with or without flaws. I also hope any new readers do not get turned off by the fact that they are without perfection.

Most of the time I use my words and will even ignore the grammar not to be imperfect, but sometimes the words I choose seem to fit better. I want to reach EVERYONE not just the more intellectual or the authors of the world.

I admit I have read books or blogs that halfway into them were so filled with BIG words or terms that it really lost my interest, I don’t want that for my writing, books, or blogs.

So, I say it’s perfect NOT to be perfect.

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