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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Photo Friday

I would like if you get out this Friday to share a phoTO ON MY fACEBOOK PAGE Then I can share it here,

I took this a little bit ago while traveling on a Photography shoot.

It’s in a nearby town and the lighthouse isn’t as big as it may look, there really isn’t a reason for one here, but it does look pretty while driving by.

This photo I did NOT take, but it does remind me of a place I go to when I need to be alone with my thoughts. The resemblance is remarkable.

A place to get away from man and enjoy nature and silence of everything else, but the sounds of the water splashing against the pier and maybe the sound of the night creatures coming to life.

You may have seen this photo before but it is one of my favorites, the colors that night were even more astounding than the camera was able to capture.

If you do add a photo it really doesn’t matter about the quality, all that matters is that YOU enjoyed it enough to share.

I am writing this blog a little ahead of time, so sometime later Friday I will be posting any that I may have taken.

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