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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Real or Fantasy

When we listen to music or we are within our thoughts or maybe day dreaming about a place we would like to go. The world is so beautiful and vivid.

The road is ours to choose so why would there even be a choice.

When the music stops, the thoughts are gone, the day dram ends, we return to what we call reality. Plain, not so vivid, maybe even dull.

The question I ask is WHY? Why do we let things go back to how they were and not live to what our perception of life wants to be? I think we live in the OTHERS and not in the true reality.

Life and the world have so much to offer but there are VERY few that grasp life and take it to its limits.

We have to forget all we have been told and see the impossible as the truth. impossible = I’m Possible

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