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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Searching For Answers

In Search

I have so many thoughts that I can’t keep up with them all! There is one that keeps coming back into my mind over and over, Who are we? Are we even real?

If you think of everything start with a speck of dirt and then plant, animals, man, the planet, the universe. What is out there?

Are we living in the NOW or maybe the past or even the future.

Have you ever had a dream that woke you it was so real and you had to think about what you had just experienced?

Have you ever thought you had done something before or experienced the exact same thing but another time?

Life can’t be so simple as we are born, we live and then we die!

I think there are answers we haven’t found yet to so many questions we all have had at one time or another.

What if we are just a fraction of a spot in time and things come to the surface when we sleep or are not distracted by our surroundings.

What if God has a secret, What if heaven is really living, but not here, not as we know it. What if heaven is life and always being with our loved ones past and present, and living within this cycle for all time.

What if ghost aren’t ghost at all but someone in another fraction of time interacting with us for whatever reason. They had a way to break through time for a split second or seconds. What we thought was a ghost wasn’t someone that had passed at some point but a live person that had to get our attention.

All I’m saying is until all the questions have been answered we really DON’T know.

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