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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Self Punishment

She feels so much for so many.

No matter how much she gives, or does there is always the one thing she can’t do, LOVE herself.

When she walks among us we see the beauty and the kindness, but we miss the torment that resides within her.

She’s trying every day to make up for falling but she doesn’t realize she has done that countless times.

Her smile, her touch, her voice is always there for whoever needs her.

How can we teach this gentle soul that was given to us that her job isn’t to watch over everyone.

She must learn that she needs to forgive herself so the self-punishment can stop.

She can’t see what it does to her because she feels she’s not important.

Darling, you have done nothing wrong other than refuse to see how special you really are.

You have brought life that I had forgotten just as you have done for so many.

It’s time to begin your healing so look at what all you’ve done and rejoice.

Let the light touch the one that needs it most.


This is dedicated to all of those that have given so much of themselves and maybe forgotten that they need.

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