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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

So Many Questions

Being a father of three wonderful children I worry so much about them and what all I know they are going to face as they become young adults. I know they feel they are already adults and in some ways they are, but in other ways they are still very much children. I know this is hard for them to understand and would disagree very strongly, but the fact remains they are very young and even though they are well educated and level headed they really don’t know everything that is yet to come.

Some of you may have seen this photo and know the story, it was a very young girl that was bullied and in the end, she took her life. I’m not saying this will happen to most of the young people out there but it has become something that happens all to often.

When we are in our teens or even young adults we don’t understand that our minds are still growing and learning how to process and cope with the things that will come into their lives, things they will face themselves or things they may witness.

They think they are strong until the weakness comes and begins to consume them, when this happens I know it can become something that is beyond them to fight alone, yet so many choose to do just that. This is NEVER a good choice, I am well into my life and I still need friends, family, someone to listen or to just be with me until I regain that HOPE that I know resides within me.

When you’re alone is the worst thing to EVER be when depression strikes or even just battling the things that seem so endless. Being alone only allows the darkness to grow and we all at times need someone to show us the light.

The paths of life are not always clear and we need direction even if we don’t want to admit it.

Sometimes choices are not always the right ones and we make mistakes, but that’s why we are given free will so that we can choose and so that we can learn, but that never means that the choices have to be made without the direction of someone you trust to give the best advice.

I know it’s not always easy to ask parents for help or anyone for that matter, but someone that may be a little older most likely has been where you are and knows what you’re facing and knows in a lot of cases exactly what you’re going through. They won’t try and demand you do things they want you to, but they will offer all the advice that they can give you.

All any of us want for our young people is to live their lives, grow older, and be as happy in this world as they possibly can!

Remember my message to the young: There is ALWAYS a hand waiting for yours.

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