Photo By James Ward©
Is Happy Enough? We enter a union with someone we think is the one, but are they? Did we take the time to actually know this is the person I’m to spend my life with, and when I speak of time I’m not talking about time as in a watch or even day’s to weeks. What I’m saying is how many people did we encounter before saying this is the one? How many places did we travel to in our lifetime? I can’t see me finding my soulmate without putting effort into finding them. So many people marry someone they went to school with or met in the same town, This is hard for me to believe, I would have to think that when I was born my soulmate was born in the same town or at best their family moved to the same town. As far as them moving there well maybe that was fate, but still it seems to easy.
Now let’s say we do marry someone from school or someone from the same town or even maybe a nearby town then we find ourselves happy with all we ever wanted. A caring mate, children, home, money, etc.
Then by chance we meet someone that brings to us something we never knew existed. To be honest we have no idea what it is, only that it makes us feel something that we know we need! and then we are faced with a dilemma, we are already with someone. Then we start thinking about kids, family, what others might say. So, we never act on these feelings in fact we push those feels deep inside ourselves so that we try not to think about them and so that the feeling never shows for others to see.
God put them on this earth with us knowing this was our soulmate. He would also know that is was meant to be that we met at some point in our lives and what his intent was for us when we did meet.
I for one choose to believe in Gods will and what plans he has for me? If we believe in God, then we must believe in Gods will and the plans HE has for us. I am NOT saying anything about sex or cheating on the person we might be with. What I am saying is that he has a plan for us, and we are given free will that refer to choices we make in life.
So maybe before we marry so hastily and must ignore our feelings for who might be our soulmates, we take the time to really look for our soulmate in life, while we make many friends and encounter many adventures along the way.
When we do meet the person, we are to call our soulmate, it will not feel like anything we have ever felt before. We will be drawn to them. They will have a happiness that we never knew of and have never thought of. When together everyone around us will see the strength of our union.