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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Stand Tall

With every new day we are given a new beginning, hold your head up and forget the past.

I use to worry about so much that it became something that was crippling me slowly, It was one thought after another and most of the time it wasn’t about anything good.

Worry ages us and yes it shows even through our smiles, it also changes who we are and takes our spirit away.

I can’t offer any good solution for worry other than to say sometimes it really is just our overactive minds, but our minds can be controlled and good thoughts can replace all that nasty worry.

You have to make up your mind that you ARE changing and when you feel the darkness of worry creeping up on you, face it head-on and find another place for your mind to go.

Any place that is calming for YOU will work, maybe a beach or with family and friends.

The point is finding happiness within yourself and try making that replace your worries before your worries are that you know. Once that happens it’s such a hard road back to being you.

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