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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Stranger Things Season #3

I’ve been watch this since the beginning and I have to say it is a very good series.

If you like a series to really get into this is for you.

I have had a series of my own going on lately and this show makes me think that yeah there are things out there that we can’t explain and things that happen to us that we sometimes ask (WHY) because there was no seeing them coming and to our knowledge no reason for them to happen.

My life has been turned upside down, some VERY good! then there have been some that has left me in a state of disbelief. but no matter whether it was good or bad it is simply out of my control.

Now back to the show: They are young but pretty good little actors and actresses. The story it self draws you in and it’s really hard not to watch them all in one sitting.

I hope the best for them all and think they each could go on to be in many shows/movies after they are done here.

The best part for them I think is that they are all young and as kids they have so much fun with it.

check it out! if you have already leave a comment and let me know what you think.

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