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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Suddenly I was alive!

This is a true short story about myself but I’m sure it may apply to others.

Like a lot of people, I have lived many lives or maybe just wore many faces, sometimes that feels necessary so that others may not see everything.

I have hidden who I am for so long that sometimes I forget myself. People tend to take advantage of good or good-hearted.

I’ve gone through so many stages as a young man and an adult, now I found something that has set me free from all of that no matter what comes my way.

All I had to do all these years was submit to being good! That along with honest and having Honor.

I can’t say its helped with money or relationships but it has opened my eyes to so much that otherwise, I would have never seen.

It doesn’t matter how my day goes or even how I feel, as long as I keep a smile, be courteous, and speak with a caring voice it seems to brighten my day and may do the same for others.

No one should ever have to wear a face other than the one they are. So many think they have to be a certain way or do certain things for others to like them. If this is true then the people they are friends with are not friends at all.

I chose this new me and I really have no concerns if others like it or make fun of it.

It’s who I am.

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