When I miss you
I stare into the abyss
I listen to music to drown out the world around me
When your face begins to become hard to remember I want you even more
Your memory haunts my thoughts
My body aches for your touch
The sound of your voice is fading and that drives me insane
When you finally call, I feel my heart stop just for a second
My breath takes a short gasp
The words come hard because there is so much I want to say, they seem to all bunch together
When you stand before me, I can only think (take me)
As you place your arms around me, I feel safe, like going back home
I can’t stand the thoughts of when you leave again, so I only want you to consume me
My darling you are so much more to me than just the one I love
You have become more than just my world
You’re more than my soulmate
You are what keeps my heart beating every day of my life.