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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

The Day I Awoke

While on my journey I became weary, so I took a nap among nature.

Once again, she came to me, I could feel her even though I could not see.

She knew my journey was long and my body was worn.

As I slept, I could hear her saying I am here always.

When I awoke, I found myself feeling alive again and full of hope.

She had given me so much with just her words.

I never needed to touch her, for my heart was filled with her love.

She never asked for anything in return.

She said she found me and that was enough.

The next night she didn’t come.

The next week of nights she wasn’t there.

I started feeling as if I was lost again and alone.

That night she returned to me and I asked why she had left me, what had I done.

She told me that she never left and that I had done nothing to make her leave.

She explained that she wanted me to see that no matter what happens I only needed to look with my heart and not my eyes or my dreams.

She was now and forever with me, within my heart.

I now see what she meant for anytime I really needed her she was always there.

Just because we may not see or feel that our loved ones are with us when we need them the most we only have to look into our hearts and they are there for us in any way we need them.

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