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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

The Gift

Good Morning

I have a gift for you!

It doesn’t matter what you do in life, it doesn’t matter how much money you make.

There’s a gift that outweighs the largest treasure ever known.

If you believe in Jesus Christ or even if you don’t, we all know the Bible and what it says.

But this gift he gave when he died for what he believed in the most which were US.

There are millions of people that have looked for it.

Then there are others that will never find it because of where it’s hidden.

Look in all the places you can think of, but the gift isn’t there.

The one true gift is

Once we achieve this then we have what HE died for!

It wasn’t for anything except trying to get us to see that WE are what he saw as the greatest gift he could give us.

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