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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

The Sound of Love

The words I love you are three words so many are on a quest to hear.

But for so many it’s easily said without any feelings behind them what so ever.

We shouldn’t be so tied up on three words to the point that some would do anything to hear them.

It leaves you wide open for the heartless to control and use you.

When someone tells me they love me it does bring a smile because I have taken the time to know that it’s real and not just words thrown at me because it’s what I want to hear.

Right or wrong the world is full of people that prey on the ones that look for these three words without thinking about feeling it long before hearing it.

The right person will come along and you will finally hear those words, but they shouldn’t be pushed, for if they are then a red light or flag should raise the question of its sincerity.


These are three words that should be thought of first.

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