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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Things We Do

This is a true statement for a lot of people but I have something to add to it.

How many times have you thought to yourself WHEN DID I STOP DOING THAT?

I know I have had this happen way to often and I’m trying to get back to them but after you stop doing something it can be so hard to start doing them again.

Things I use to really enjoy doing or even eating LOL just slipped away a little at a time and for others there was a sudden STOP but I really can’t remember what caused them to just simply end.

I think we just get caught up in other things or life it self and those other things go away but that’s NOT a good thing at all, we should continue doing what we like and enjoy the life we have.

Everyone have a good night and if you have found yourself saying yeah I did enjoy something then get back to doing them and don’t let anything stand in your way.

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