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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Two lost Souls

Angels have many appearances, some are bright with great wings and others with a hint of darkness, but they are all the same inside just as we are.

This is a little insight on an angel I have been lucky enough to have met.

Here is a great song to listen to if you would like, it does apply to this story.

It’s called angels by Robbie Williams

The lyrics to the song above are very good but they aren’t complete in my opinion. The reason I say this is because the angel I’ve met needs to know she’s much more than that.

She came into my life without any warning for if it had I may not have believed that anyone can be that much!

I’m not saying she’s perfect, but I couldn’t handle it if she was.

I met her simply by chance and since that day I haven’t been able to get her out of my mind or the question of WHY did I get such a wonderful person in my life. Lord knows I didn’t deserve to even meet her much less having such a wonderful woman in my life.

Her heaven is a great distance from me, but I would be there anytime she asked me to. I couldn’t even imagine the words (I can’t) when it comes to her. She asked nothing of me but to listen and talk with her, and I do, every time she grants me the chance just to hear her voice, I listen to every word with the biggest smile I’ve ever known me to wear.

She’s got her own story to tell but she doesn’t share it with anyone, however, I’m not sure why but she saw me fit to hear it and I have to say when I think about it, I still get a tear. She has cried so long so many times in the dark of night and with thoughts that nobody could possibly understand just how empty she has felt for such a long time.

I know this angel would stand by my side and protect me just as I would her because she knows I care more deeply for her than she thought anyone ever would without wanting something in return other than just truly being there for her with no conditions or expectations. When you’re finally blessed as much as I have been HOW could you ever ask for anything? You’re already getting more than most men would know in a lifetime.

I have made mistakes with her but it’s not because I didn’t care! It’s because up to now I’ve never had anyone to care about as I do her, to be honest, I’ve never known this kind of caring in my life other than the love I have for my children. I look up at the moon at times and I hope she’s looking at it too and knows that someone really does care. I think if given the chance this angel perfect or not, and I could have something more than either of us ever thought was still in this world.

She still has a lot of doubts and fears simply because she has known too many regrets and being made feel she wasn’t worthy of any kind of real feelings from someone else.

Maybe I’ll try visiting her in my dreams so she can get to know me and then decide for herself if I am and will remain in real need of this angel.

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