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  • Writer's picturejameshward1

Verbal and Mental Abuse

Silent was the night and I was alone watching a movie when the phone rang when I picked it up, I heard a voice that had not been around in many years.

It was my old childhood sweetheart that I hadn’t seen much less heard from in over 15 years.

I was so happy to hear her voice again, we started talking and it lasted for serval hours until she noticed the time and said she had to go but would call again the next day.

Last time I saw her she was 12 years old and she was my best friend as well as I believe to be the one that owns my heart.

She was now 27yrs old and just been through a very rough divorce, but I had no idea just how rough or how deeply it had scarred her.

The next day she called around 3 pm and asked if I could see her well, of course, I was going to see her, hell I almost gave myself a concussion after hitting my head while running out the front door.

We met and went to a nearby diner for drinks and to catch up.

After about an hour I asked about the divorce and what happened, she was reluctant but agreed to tell me. I was absolutely shocked and how mean and vile a person could be to another. I had to be honest, I wanted to get even for her, he had taken all the innocents from her and left mostly a shell of who she was.

After this, I dedicated myself to learning more about this type of person and about the women impacted by the mental and physical abuse they endured.

I have since tried to help and teach others that the first sign of ANY abuse is when they should GET AWAY!

I know a lot say they love them, or they are scared about what may happen if they do or a 1000 other reasons and I do understand now how they feel BUT They have to first see that there is NO love for them from the other person only pain and suffering and if there are children in the household it puts them in so many dangers.

To ANYONE that is or has been in this relationship PLEASE get out and seek help from anyone! That is the first step of many to getting recovery.

LOVE, PEACE, HAPPINESS to all of you!!

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